OK, now that I have described the wonderful things that Kael has accomplished in his Preschool year, let me give you an insight into some of his failures. They are not real failures at all, however I do have to list them as opposites to accomplishments.
Erica and I were very nervous putting Kael on the school bus, but we were reassured having Tyla, his older sister guiding him on and off the bus. And I am sure Tyla didn't realize how much work it would be trying to control Kael. The reports from Tammi the bus driver indicated that he was running up and down the isle punching the kids along the way. He eventually was kicked off from the bus at the end of his third day of school. The problem was not because he wasn't able to sit still, or the fact that he disrupted Tammie by hitting the other kids on the bus. The final straw was when he spit in a parent's face as she was taking her child from the bus.
It took over a week before the teachers and bus driver devised a plan of action that would eventually allow Kael to return to riding the bus. The first thing they devised was to issue the first seat to Kael, so that he knew every day which seat was his and the rest of the students understood as well. Then Tammie gave Kael a special toy he would only get if he stayed in his seat. It was enough to keep him occupied throughout the entire ride to and from school. Another tool his teachers devised was the use of a picture book which described what will happen on the bus. It showed a picture of the bus, Tammie, his seat, the school, and his teachers. This help aid Kael in understanding what would happen next to help reduce his anxiety, which may have led him to be antsy and run through the isle.
The only thing worse than getting kicked off the bus for spitting was the time he pulled the fire alarm at school. This resulted in the fire department showing up to confirm there was no actual fire. Although the teachers talked to Kael about the severity of pulling the fire alarm, he did not understand, because he did it again. Yep, this time wasn't so bad because ironically there was a scheduled fire drill to be held that day. Only, because it was raining outside the teachers decided not to have the drill. Of course that is when Kael pulled the alarm.