Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Halloween - A time to be something else for a day

Kael was a Robot this year for Halloween, in a custom made costume that allowed Kael to be something else for a day, and he loved it!  In fact, I had a hard time telling him it was time to take off the costume.  It took me a week to design and build it, and he enjoyed putting it on every time I needed to make an adjustment.  Then came the hard part, asking him to take it off so I could alter it to fit better, or to get the lights working.  

For the entire week before Halloween Kael got to be something other than himself.  He got to play the part of a Robot, and he played it well too, making sounds and moving like a robot would.  He terrorized the cats as he chased them around the house with "beep, boop" noises, while bumping into tables, chairs and people.  I liked seeing how engaged he became with the costume on.  Maybe we should look into trying other costumes on and role playing along with him.  Hmmm...  maybe this could be a new form of therapy for kids on the spectrum, to let their imagination grow by being something else for the day.

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